Was für eine Überraschung! Was für eine Freude! Mitten im Urlaub erreichte mich der Anruf, zur Künstlerin der Metropolregion im Monat September nominiert worden zu sein!
Mit das schönste an dieser Auszeichnung ist die Laudatio, die Dr. Barbara Leicht zu diesem Anlass für mich verfasst hat. Die werde ich in Ehren halten! Hier kommt der Text:
Und hier geht es zur Seite der Metropolregion, wo man sehen kann, mit welch herausragenden Kunstschaffenden ich diese Ehre teile:
And here the text in English language (Chat GPT):
Ute Plank is an artist from the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region in September 2023.
Her witty and profound way of reimagining world-famous artworks through painting, her spontaneous drawings, and her systematic approach persuaded the jury of the Forum for Culture to name Ute Plank as the artist of the Metropolitan Region in September 2023.
Art history provides her with a vast playground of styles and motifs, of people and stories, from which she develops something new, encouraging her audience to think outside the box. Furthermore, for about two years now, the artist has been drawn to live drawing scenes from concerts and events with liquid watercolor, immediately capturing the atmosphere. Additionally, she enriches the Hersbrucker Zeitung with painted short stories that appear weekly in this medium. Not only that, but she also writes press articles about cultural events there.
Art has always been present in her life. Her father, once an art teacher at the Hersbrucker Paul-Pfinzing-Gymnasium, took Ute Plank and her sister on museum tours, where he vividly introduced them to art. She treasures these impressions to this day. Artistically gifted herself, she studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg under Professor Hans Peter Reuter from 1986 to 1993 and unconditionally adheres to representational art. With her background in museum knowledge, she appropriates the content of works by both old masters and the classical avant-garde, either copying them or painting over art prints. Through ironic interventions, she places the images in different contexts or links past epochs with the present. She pays particular attention to female painters and their often late-recognized virtuosity, as well as the role of women as artists, models, and figures in genre paintings. During a course with the Leipzig artist Rosa Loy, she took the opportunity to further develop her work and make new aspects of her art visible. Despite the popularity of these, often small-format paintings, she turns to the light, flowing watercolor painting, which she pairs with text passages and posts on social media, receiving many positive responses. This works in her favor because her life has now taken a significant turn with the transfer of her husband's agricultural business. The couple can now travel as they please, and Ute Plank, equipped with small-format concertinas, draws, scribbles, paints, and writes her impressions anew every day, delighting followers and readers.
Barbara Leicht M.A.
Director of the Office for Culture Neumarkt i.d.OPf.